Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Catch up a bit

Rachel was in the hospital for a few days after Thanksgiving. She had a UTI and has Anxiety, plus growing pains. I feel bad for her, but there is nothing to do for her. My Mom came and stayed with Emily while I stayed with Rachel at the hospital.

Christmas has come and gone and it was boring this year. Rachel was at my Mom's in IL. so we didn't even get to see her on Christmas day. Never will do that again! I miss her SO much! Christmas Eve was spent at Keith's Grandma Mains house and his Aunt made a HUGE scene. It wasn't a good time. Bah!

Just trying to stay healthy and keep everyone healthy as well. Will up date more soon!!

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Well life is going well. I wasn't feel too well a few days ago, but seem fine now, just tired. Both girls are doing well and I PRAY it stays that way!

I had my Tupperware party last night and 12 people came! I was so happy. Usually when I have parties people say they will come and then half if even that show up. It was a lot of fun and great to see friends I hadn't seen in a while.

We are really looking forward to Thanksgiving and heading out to my Mom's for a few days. I really miss her and so do the girls.

I REALLY need to get going with Christmas shopping soon. Lake of $$$ really stinks! But the lord will provide I am sure of that!!

Friday, October 23, 2009


Rachel was up sick lat Wed. night, so we kept her home from school yesterday and today. She had a fever yesterday but it has gone down today. She seems to be doing better but is still not herself. I am having sinus issues and hope I am not getting sick as well. I pray the baby Emily doesn't get sick either. This whole H1N1 stuff is scary and makes me worry about my family. :(
I will update again soon...

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Catching up

Well it's been a while since I posted anything on here. Life has been busy.

Rachel is now in second grade and loves it! She is also in Brownies and Childrens Choir. SO keeps pretty busy. Emily will be 3 in Dec. and is growing like a weed! She is such a smart little cookie too.

I am really torn about this whole H1N1 flu thing and trying to decide if I should get the girls the shot or not? I usually get them the seasonal flu shot. I have been praying about it and still am not sure what to do. I guess when the time is here I will make the choice and pray it's the correct one! Either way it's scary!

I have been having fun baking a lot and trying lots of new recipes. If you have any yummy ones please send them my way! My girls won't eat veggies except for corn and carrots, so I make things with pumpkin a lot. I also make chicken and pork chops a lot as well. SO anything you think I should try would be great!

I will up date more often now that I am back into the swing of things! :)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Spring Break 2009

We have been at my Mom's since 4/5 and have been having fun! Yesterday we all went to Rockford, IL. to The Discovery Center Museum and then for dinner with some relatives at Happy Joes. Here are some pictures I thought I would share..

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Addicted to sig tags!

Some of my awesome and talented friends made these sig tags for me and I thought I would show them off a bit! Thanks so much ladies!!

Been crazy busy!

Well I haven't been keeping up with this as much as I would like to, but I am trying. :)

Emily and Rachel have both been sick, but are now on antibiotics for sinus infections. So hopefully that will take care of the problem. Spring break here starts the end of this week. Sunday after church we are headed out to my Mom's! I am really looking forward to spending time with her and so are the girls.

While we are out at my Mom's she is letting Keith and I go out ALONE for our 13th anniversary! woohoo!! We are going to a movie and dinner and then maybe bowling if we want to stay out longer. LOL We haven't been out alone in a year now, since out last anniversary.

Rachel went to 2 Birthday parties yesterday. One was at the Painted Penguin at the Mall. It was cool there and she had a blast. Keith, Em and I walked around the mall til the party was over. Then a couple hours later she went to another party and this one had a magician! It was pretty cool too! She still wants a Hannah Montana party for her B-day in July though. LOL

I got the second book to the TWILIGHT series on Friday and finished it that same night! LOL I couldn't put it down! Now I can't wait to get the others and for the next movie to come out in Nov. Keith say's I am obsessed. LOL Wellll maybe a little bit. LOL

OK thats my update for now, more coming soon......

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

More pics

SOme Christmas pictures- Keith and the girls.
Rachel was in a play at church and was an Angel.

Playing catch up!

Well we finally got a new computer after a YEAR!! SO now I can keep updated with things ( I hope).
Things have been going pretty good here. Rachel is doing great in school and loves it! She is also active in Daisy Scouts and plays Dodge Ball. Emily is doing great and is such a happy little girl.
I got some good news and some bad news yesterday, GOOD is my Sister is coming for a visit in May!! I miss her and haven't seen her in almost 2 years now. BAD news is my cousin David isn't doing well at all ( he has Downs). he is 45 now and going down hill fast. They live in NH so I can't even go see him. :( Please keep him in your prayers.
I have COffee talk to go to at school today, then tonight Rachel has Daisy Scouts and I have Praise Practice at church. Another busy but fun day!
I am trying to get a local group for moms going at my church, and so far so good! It helps that I already have a yahoo group going for Lowell area moms. :)
I will try and post some new pics I guess. :)
Emily turned 2 back in Dec. and we had a Rubber Ducky themed party for her. It turned out so cute! She was spoiled as usual.
Grandma Akers was in the hospital for a broken hip, but is home recovering now. Grandma Main is in a rehab center after a long stay in the hospital and they still are not sure what is wrong. Hope she gets to come home soon!
I will update again soon, I promise!! :)