Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Flood pics!

Top is our drive way when we were sand bagging.
second is looking across the street from our home.
Last is some neighbors on a make shift raft floating on our street!

Hello my friends! I hope you are all doing well.

This past SUnday we went to Keith's Grandma Akers surprise 85th Birthday party. It was a lot of fun and the girls were both good. :) Keith's mom was there and we talked a bit. We might go see her this week sometime and take the letters his Aunt Pat sent us so she can read them herself. It soudns like Pat isn't telling them the truth about that whole situation and making ME look/sound bad. Grr

My Mom has to get an echo cardiogram done on her heart the first week of Dec. Please pray everything is ok with it and I will keep you updated on that when I find out more!

Keith's Grandma Main has congestive heart faliure and is getting more tests done for that. Karen didn't tell us too much about it, so I will update about that when I know more as well.
Oh and woohoo I figured out how to post pictures!!! I will post more soon, but for now here's one of the girls from this summer.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


I know I have been terrible at blogging and I am sorry. I really am going to try and keep up with this again.

My Mom's tumor is slow growing and that is good news! They will just keep doing bi-monthly MRI's on her to keep an eye on it for now. She goes to see her heart specialist on the 11th. Thanks to all of you for your prayers and wel wishes for her through this all, please keep them coming.

Please pray for my friend and Pastor Tami and her family. Her Mom has cancer and isn't doing well at all and her Father might have cancer now as well. This is very hard on Pastor Tami and she does SO much for everyone, so please keep her and her parents in your prayers.

Rachel got her glasses yesterday and she looks SO cute in them! I wish I knew how to post pictures on her! lol She is excited and nervous about wearing them, but I think she will be fine.

Halloween was a blast this year! We took the girls Trick or Treating and a bunch of our friends came with us. The kids had a lot of fun and got TONS of candy! Rachel dressed as Strawberry Shortcake and Emily was a cute Cheerleader. The night before Halloween we had Bread 4 Life at church and then the kids went "Trunk or Treating" in the parking lot. They had a great time with that as well.

Now new is Thanksgiving and we will be going out to IL. to my Mom's for a few days and I can't wait! On Thanksgiving day we will go to My Aunt and Uncles for dinner. I am really looking forward to spending time with my relatives.

I REALLY need to start my Christmas shopping soon! SOmething keeps coming up that takes our extra money and it is really getting to me. I am usually DONE before Thanksgiving but this year that is NOT going to happen. I really only have to buy for the girls, my nephew and my mom. Everyone else gets either gift cards or money. I want to make Christmas fun and special for the girls because I remember how special my parents always made it for me and those memories and feelings last a life time!

I booked Emily's 2nd Birthday party at our church on Dec. 7th from 2-4pm. I hope the weather holds out and isn't bad then so everyone can make it. I am sending out 17 invitations and really hope most or all can make it. It is a rubber ducky theme and I am so happy because a little store in our town has rubber ducky plates, napkins, table clothes, and balloons. So I ordered them all and just have to order the cakes yet and get some goody bags and stuff for the kids. Hard to believe my baby will be two!