Monday, March 29, 2010

Sorry been MIA

Well it has been a while since I have been on here to update. Alot has happened since last..
Rachel who is my 7 year old has been in and out of the hospital with tummy pains off and on. She was admitted to the hospital for 3 days and they did tons of tests on her and found nothing. SO the Dr. wants me to make an appt. with a Ped. Gastro int. to check things out more. She is also just getting over a sinus infection that caused her to have a fever for 5 days.
It is Spring break here now and Rachel is spending the week with my Mom. They love spending time together and it is nice to have a little more quiet here with just Emily. I do miss Rachel though and talk to her at least twice a day. :)
Back in early Feb. I was in the hospital with chest pains. I had to stay the night and they wanted to keep me more but I said no since we have no insurance. I am doing pretty good now. Had to go back in for a stress test and that showed I have Coranary Artery Spasms. They aren't doing anything for them as of yet though and I was praying I could get some insurance but nope I can't, not unless I leave my hubby. Nice huh? Keith's insurance at his job is CRAZY at $800.00 for family and $500.00 for just him and I. There is NO way we could afford that, we are already living pay check to pay check. At least the girls have insurance through the state.
Emily is doing great and is such a smart cookie. She is a total momma's girl though and doesn't want to stay with anyone except me or daddy. We want to put her in preschool in the fall, but not sure she is ready for it yet!? She is being SO stubborn on the whole potty training thing and that is driving me nuts! I am not going to push her though, maybe she is just not ready yet!? Rachel was so easy, and I was hoping Emily would be as well...
Looks like I will be losing my internet again for a while, so back to checking in at the library.
I will update again soon.......